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5 Benefits of ThermiVa Vaginal Revitalization

5 Benefits of ThermiVa Vaginal Revitalization

You deserve to feel the best you can in your intimate areas, including your vulva and vagina. If you experience vaginal issues like dryness, irritation, or vaginal laxness, take the problem seriously and find out what you can do to improve your quality of life. You’re worth it!

Experienced obstetrician and gynecologist Dr. Leonardo Longoria at Longoria OBGYN in El Paso, Texas, addresses vaginal issues with noninvasive ThermiVa® vaginal revitalization treatments.

Could you benefit from this procedure? Here are five key benefits of radiofrequency vaginal revitalization to consider for your personal life and sexual health.

1. Reduces vaginal dryness

Changes in your body, including hormonal changes related to menopause, may leave your vaginal tissue prone to uncomfortable dryness. This might damage your sex life or irritate you throughout the day as dryness and sensitivity cause ongoing discomfort.

ThermiVa lets you address the issue at the level of your tissues, increasing responsiveness, moisturization, and skin elasticity. Make vaginal dryness a thing of your past and reclaim luxuriously lubricated skin in your genital area.

2. Increases orgasmic potential

Orgasm releases beneficial chemicals that improve your physical and mental well-being. If regularly attaining orgasm is an issue for you, talk to Dr. Longoria about ThermiVa. After completing treatment, you may find orgasm much easier.

You can have sex right away after a ThermiVa treatment session. But, in order to see the full restoration of your sexual health, you may need more than one ThermiVa treatment. Dr. Longoria may recommend 1-3 treatment sessions total, spaced a month apart to give your tissues time to respond to the radiofrequency stimulation.

3. Boosts natural collagen production

The naturally-occurring protein collagen helps your skin stay smooth, supple, and taut. As you age, your collagen levels decrease. This can leave your skin vulnerable to stress.

The stimulation provided by ThermiVa kicks collagen production in the treatment area back into high gear, an effect that continues to increase for several weeks post-treatment, restoring tautness, flexibility, and smoothness to your genital tissues.

4. Improves both function and appearance

Do you worry about showing “camel toe” when you wear leggings or tight pants? ThermiVa can help with that!

ThermiVa works on both your interior vaginal tissue and the exterior of your vulva, so you get improvements in appearance as well as vaginal function. ThermiVa lets you effectively shrink and tighten the inner and outer lips of your vulva, known as the labia minora and the labia majora.

5. Avoids invasive treatment

Invasive treatments around your genital area can result in loss of sensation. That’s why it’s important that ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation works through noninvasive radiofrequency energy that’s specially calibrated to stimulate your delicate tissues.

Dr. Longoria uses a small handheld device to deliver your ThermiVa treatment. The whole process is completely sterile and only takes about half an hour to complete. And once your appointment is finished, you won’t need any post-treatment downtime.

To find out if ThermiVa treatment could benefit you, consult with Dr. Longoria. Schedule an appointment by calling our office or request a visit online anytime.

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