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Everything You Need To Know About Fibroids

Have you been diagnosed with uterine fibroids, which are also called leiomyomas, or myomas? If so, you’re not alone. Experts estimate that by the age of 50 years old, somewhere between 70 and 80% of American women have fibroids. Often, fibroids don’t cause any symptoms at all, so you may not even know that you have them. 

When fibroids are a concern

Although many women never even know that they have fibroids, the National Institutes of Health considers them to be a public health concern. Partly because so many women do have fibroids, and also because a large number of hysterectomies are performed in order to address fibroids when they do cause symptoms. 

If you have symptoms, you may experience: 

Types of fibroids

There are several different types of uterine fibroids. They are classified by where they are located on your uterus. 

You may have a single fibroid, or multiple ones. Fibroids can be tiny, or so large they distort the shape of your uterus or abdomen. 

It is extremely rare for uterine fibroids to develop into cancer and they are not associated with an increased risk of developing cancer. 

Treating fibroids

At Longoria OBGYN, Dr. Leonardo A. Longoria may recommend various treatments for your fibroids, depending on numerous factors. For example, your age, the size of your fibroids, the severity of your symptoms, and your general health are all important in choosing a treatment approach. 

There is some evidence that eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, lowering your overall stress level, and maintaining a healthy weight may help prevent fibroids.

A category of drugs called gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists (GnRHa) may be an option, but these drugs may cause symptoms similar to menopause. Some common types of birth control may also help ease some of the symptoms of fibroids, as well as limit their growth. 

Several surgical interventions are used to treat fibroids, including: 

Your situation is unique, and if you have or suspect you have uterine fibroids, call our office at 915-201-1165 or request an appointment online. Dr. Longoria can evaluate your situation and consider all of the factors that may impact your treatment, providing you with a tailored approach designed specifically for you. 

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