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Irregular Periods: How an Ultrasound Can Help

Irregular Periods: How an Ultrasound Can Help

Your menstrual cycle takes place about once a month, but for some people, irregular periods occur unpredictably at almost random intervals.

It’s not just an inconvenience for your clothing plans when you can’t predict when your period is coming. If you’re tracking your fertility, either in order to conceive or for contraception, an irregular cycle can be a real complication.

At Longoria OBGYN in El Paso, Texas, Dr. Leonardo A. Longoria uses ultrasound technology to learn more about the underlying causes of your irregular menstrual cycles. Talk to Dr. Longoria about your unpredictable periods, and he can help you better understand your reproductive health care needs using ultrasound imaging and other diagnostic tools.

Noninvasive ultrasound screenings

Ultrasound technology allows Dr. Longoria to view your reproductive organs, including your uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix, and bladder. Ultrasounds are noninvasive, which is why they’re used to check up on growing babies during pregnancy.

During a noninvasive ultrasound, you rest in comfort on your back on an exam table. The technician moves the ultrasound wand, also known as a transducer, over the areas of your body that Dr. Longoria needs to examine, typically your abdomen.

Since ultrasounds work by creating images based on sound waves, you won’t need any incisions or anesthesia for your procedure, or any post-procedure downtime for recovery. 

You may also need a transvaginal ultrasound, a more invasive procedure involving the insertion of a sterile wand into your vagina to examine your cervix and uterus.

How ultrasounds can help with regulating your cycle

Three-dimensional ultrasound imaging lets Dr. Longoria check for abnormalities, blockages, and any other issues that could be contributing to your menstrual irregularity. If any issues turn up with an ultrasound exam, it can help Dr. Longoria know where to focus for further testing and eventual diagnosis and care.

And, if abnormalities don’t appear, that lets Dr. Longoria know to look elsewhere for the cause of your menstrual irregularities.

Dr. Longoria may recommend ultrasound examination if you have irregular periods, or if you experience painful menstrual cramps, particularly heavy menstrual bleeding, or pelvic pain during other times of your monthly cycle.

Regular ultrasounds can show signs of uterine fibroids or ovarian cysts, two potential causes of irregular periods. Transvaginal ultrasounds are a useful tool for diagnosing menstrual irregularities related to endometriosis.

Ultrasounds and other diagnostic exams can support your reproductive health and wellness. To get started working with Dr. Longoria to address your menstrual irregularity and get your cycle back on track, book your initial consultation today. Contact our office over the phone or online.

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