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Rev Up Your Sex Life With Vaginal Rejuvenation

Rev Up Your Sex Life With Vaginal Rejuvenation

It’s not that you aren’t interested in sex — at least in theory. But maybe you never feel “in the mood” anymore, or find that when you try, vaginal dryness creates friction, leading to unsatisfying experiences.

If this sounds like you, you’re not alone. Many women experience unwanted declines in the quality of their sex lives at some point, especially during or after milestones like giving birth or going through menopause. The good news is, you can rev up your sex life and get back to feeling like yourself with the right treatment plan.

At Longoria OBGYN, women’s health specialist Dr. Leonardo A. Longoria offers vaginal rejuvenation treatment with the noninvasive ThermiVa® system. Dr. Longoria happily supports women in reclaiming full sexual enjoyment and libido from his practice in El Paso, Texas. Here’s what ThermiVa could do for you.

Vaginal rejuvenation: improving your sex life

When your sex life is stuck in “idle,” you need to determine what problems are holding you back. Issues like vaginal dryness, sensitivity to irritants, or vaginal laxity may be at the bottom of your unwanted lack of enjoyable sex.

Physical problems may also become intertwined with emotional difficulties, especially if physical issues repeatedly prevent you from achieving sexual fulfillment. You might develop negative feelings about the appearance of your genitals or get frustrated at your vagina’s persistent uncooperativeness.

Over time, this can deeply affect your sense of your own sexual desirability and even reduce your desire to keep trying for fulfilling sex. That’s when you need the support of a professional OBGYN like Dr. Longoria. Dr. Longoria reviews your symptoms and recommends treatment options to improve your experience, sensation, and self-esteem.

How vaginal rejuvenation benefits you

ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation uses noninvasive radiofrequency energy to treat your internal and external vaginal tissue. Treatment improves both appearance and functionality, so you look and feel great.

Treatment is simple and easy. When you come in for your session, Dr. Longoria uses the small handheld ThermiVa device to stimulate your vaginal tissue and surrounding skin. Treatment is noninvasive and completely sterile. You may benefit from multiple treatment sessions spaced apart for best results.

The radiofrequency energy emitted by the ThermiVa device kickstarts your body’s natural production of collagen deep in the tissues of the treatment area. Collagen decreases as you age. Renewing vaginal collagen resources increases skin strength and tightness, effectively reversing vaginal atrophy.

ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation treatment can shrink and tighten both the inner and outer lips of your vaginal opening, as well as tightening your internal vaginal canal. Treatment also addresses vaginal dryness and improves your ability to orgasm. And, you can even use ThermiVa to reduce urinary incontinence issues.

You don’t need to take any downtime after your half-hour vaginal rejuvenation treatment session. You can even get started with your post-treatment sex life the same day! Your results appear in the days and weeks after your treatment, as renewed collagen and tissue stimulation create lasting improvements.

Dr. Longoria often recommends this type of treatment for women ages 30-60. If you suffer from vaginal discomfort and a less-than-exciting sex life after childbirth or menopause, vaginal rejuvenation can help.

Learn more about vaginal rejuvenation by getting in touch with Dr. Longoria today. Schedule your appointment by calling our office or requesting a visit online.

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