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Why You Should Never Ignore Chronic Pelvic Pain

Why You Should Never Ignore Chronic Pelvic Pain

When you suffer from pelvic pain, it can be embarrassing to speak up about it and seek the care you need. Too many women ignore pelvic pain, even once the pain becomes chronic. Coping with the detrimental impacts of chronic pain on your personal life, professional goals, and other interests can seem overwhelming.

The answer is to seek care and treatment from an expert gynecologist. Dr. Leonardo Longoria at Longoria OBGYN in El Paso, Texas, listens to your symptoms, considers your health history, and diagnoses the cause of your pelvic pain. 

Your custom treatment plan manages your symptoms and addresses any underlying medical conditions, improving your daily life as well as your long-term gynecological health.

If you’ve been ignoring pelvic pain or find yourself tempted to push the problem away without seeking treatment, here are reasons you should think again about contacting Dr. Longoria.

The medical conditions behind chronic pelvic pain

You can’t be sure your pain symptoms are only aches and pains. Often, pelvic pain occurs as a symptom of an underlying medical condition.

You may suffer from endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease. These conditions benefit from diagnosis and typically respond well to treatment. Pelvic pain can also indicate the inflammation or rupture of a cyst or the presence of fibroids or adhesions.

In addition to pelvic pain, you may have other related symptoms you should talk about with a gynecologist like Dr. Longoria such as menstrual irregularities, pain during intercourse, or chronic fatigue.

Dr. Longoria examines you and reviews your symptoms and medical history as well as your family history. To diagnose the cause of your chronic pelvic pain, he may additionally use medical imaging such as X-rays or diagnostic procedures like blood testing.

Once you receive your diagnosis, it’s time to develop a treatment plan to manage your symptoms and restore the health of your pelvic organs and tissues. If needed, Dr. Longoria refers you to specialists for complete pelvic care.

You deserve a life without chronic pelvic pain

Chronic pain impacts you more than you might realize. Living with pelvic pain that can strike at any time can cause you to limit personal or professional activities or give up on important plans. Women with chronic pelvic pain may also feel less than their best in their romantic and intimate lives.

Instead of learning to live with your chronic pain, reach out to Dr. Longoria and discover more about your symptoms and how to relieve them. Seeking treatment improves your life, as well as the lives of the people who love and depend on you.

Even if it’s not possible to diagnose the cause of your chronic pelvic pain, Dr. Longoria can support you with pain management strategies and other treatments and therapies. You may benefit from physical therapy, hormone medications, or pain medicine.

Don’t try to cope with your chronic pain alone. Reach out to Dr. Longoria and our team for support now. Schedule an appointment by calling our office today or requesting a visit online anytime.

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